Using OpenStreetMap Maps on Garmin Device

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Use to generate a gmapsupp.img file and copy it into the Garmin/ subdirectory on the SD card used in the Garmin device.


  1. Select "Garmin Openfietsmap Full (latin1)" as the map format.
  2. Give the map extract a meaningful name.
  3. Enter your e-mail address.
  4. Use the tools to draw a bounding box around the area you want to extract.
  5. Keep an eye on the extract size indicator on the page as you adjust your bounding box and keep it under 1440MB.
  6. Click the "extract" button.
  7. Go to the Service Status page to monitor the extract process. An e-mail will also be sent to the address you provided when the extract is complete.
  8. Download, unpack and copy the gmapsupp.img file to the Garmin/ subdirectory on the SD card used in the Garmin device.
  9. Enable the new map on the Garmin device.